We could see the orange dome in the near distance, smaller than its name suggested; newspaper painted with the words "still open" was taped on a burnt-out car, painted orange, sitting out front.
On the bike trailer we had a crate of dusty, but still drinkable, capri-sun, and we were looking forward to seeing what Orange World had to offer in exchange. It would mostly be much of the same; sugary orange drinks seemed to be the most prevalent orange-related food, and they preserved really well. There would also be real oranges. We had already seen some on the trees along the side of the road, we could have helped ourselves but had decided to wait.
Of course, oranges weren't really the point; Orange World was the only info spot for miles. There would probably be a computer, maybe some solar power. It would be somewhere to exchange news and somewhere to hang out for a few days in the company of new people.